Why Strength Training Is Important For Soccer Players


In our interview with Katelyn Partridge (@nutritionwithkp), Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, certified CrossFit coach, and former college soccer player, we talked about the importance of strength training for soccer players.

“Being able to do strength training, even in a limited capacity, is going to benefit you long term. When you think about injuries in soccer, most injuries are non-contact injuries. It’s often from planting your foot when you shoot, twisting and turning side to side, and changing directions. Through strength training, you are able to enable power over how you move your body.”

Armando states, “I’ve talked to a lot of young soccer players, and they know the importance of strength training, but then some come up with excuses right away. Things like, ‘I don’t have a good coach, my school doesn’t have the equipment I need.’ So when you talk to an athlete and they come up with excuses because they haven’t been strength training, what do you tell them?”

Katelyn replies, “Helping the person find the resources they need to be able to utilize strength training or understand why it’s important would probably be my first step. Like, this is why you should do strength training in addition to whatever sport you play, this is how it can benefit you long term, and then allowing them to make the decision that they want to based on the information they have available at their hands.”

Looking to get started with strength training but don’t know where to begin? Our recommendation is to start simple. Body weight exercises with no equipment required take away plenty of excuses.

Some great, simple bodyweight exercises we recommend are:

  • Squats

  • Lunges (either walking or stationary)

  • Push-ups

  • Planks

This is a great foundational workout, that once perfected, can be amplified over time. We recommend that you talk to your coach to see about getting a gym and a program, and learning proper techniques from an expert.

To watch more of the interview with Katelyn, visit the link below.


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