What College Soccer Coaches Look for in Goalkeepers


The path to college soccer can be both exciting and challenging for aspiring goalkeepers. While making crucial saves is an essential part of the game, college coaches look for more than just shot-stopping ability. This blog aims to provide valuable advice to goalkeepers on how to stand out during the college soccer recruiting process by emphasizing leadership, foot skills, and defensive capabilities.

The Well-Rounded Goalkeeper

College soccer coaches are in search of well-rounded goalkeepers who can contribute to the team in various ways. It's not just about making spectacular saves; it's about being a complete player. Here's how you can become the kind of goalkeeper that college coaches are looking for:

1. Leadership and Teamwork

a. Be a Vocal Leader: On the field, your voice is your most valuable asset. Communicate with your defenders, organize the defense, and offer encouragement. Coaches appreciate goalkeepers who lead by example through effective communication.

b. Positivity and Support: Show a positive attitude even in challenging moments. Being supportive of your teammates, both on and off the field, can set you apart as a leader.

c. Captaining Experience: If you have the opportunity to be a captain for your high school or club team, seize it. College coaches value goalkeepers who can lead from the back.

2. Utilizing Your Feet

a. Ball Distribution: Modern goalkeepers are expected to be proficient with their feet. Work on your passing, goal kicks, and throw-ins. Accurate distribution can initiate attacks and relieve defensive pressure.

b. Playing Under Pressure: Develop the ability to maintain composure and make precise passes, even when under pressure from opponents. This skill is highly regarded by college coaches.

c. Versatility: Train to use both feet effectively. Being able to distribute with your weaker foot can make you more versatile and valuable.

3. Becoming a Defender

a. Sweeping and Anticipating: A goalkeeper's role isn't limited to the penalty area. Study the game to anticipate threats and sweep when necessary. Proactive decision-making can thwart potential dangers before they materialize.

b. One-on-One Defending: Work on your one-on-one defending skills. The ability to close down angles, narrow the shooter's options, and make yourself "big" is essential.

c. Set Piece Mastery: Be a commanding presence during set pieces. Practice coming out to claim crosses and corners confidently.

Standing Out to College Coaches

When you're seeking college soccer opportunities, it's essential to stand out to college coaches who are inundated with talent. Here's how you can make a memorable impression:

1. Attend College ID Camps: Many colleges offer ID camps where you can showcase your skills directly to coaches. These events are excellent opportunities to get noticed.

2. High School and Club Performance: Consistently perform well for your high school and club teams. Coaches often rely on recommendations and referrals from trusted coaches in the community.

3. Create a Highlight Reel: Put together a highlight reel that showcases your saves, distribution, and defensive skills. Share this with college coaches, along with a well-crafted soccer resume.

4. Network: Build relationships with coaches through emails and phone calls. Express your interest in their program and inquire about their recruitment process.

5. Be Open to Different Levels: Consider a range of colleges, including Division I, Division II, and Division III. Each level offers unique opportunities, and finding the right fit is essential.

The Importance of Academics

Lastly, don't overlook the academic side of the college soccer equation. Strong academic performance can open doors to colleges and universities with soccer programs. Maintain a good GPA, take standardized tests seriously, and reach out to academic advisors for guidance.

In conclusion, college soccer recruitment for goalkeepers goes beyond just making saves. Being a leader and teammate, utilizing your feet, and adopting a defender's mentality are equally important. By focusing on these aspects, you can stand out to college coaches and increase your chances of pursuing your soccer dreams at the collegiate level. Remember that college soccer is not just about the sport; it's also about personal growth and academic achievement. So, embrace the journey and give your all to achieve your goals.


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