The Relationship Of Soccer And Achilles Tendon Tears


Soccer is a high-intensity sport that requires a lot of running, jumping, and sudden movements, which can put a lot of strain on the body. One of the most common injuries in soccer is a torn Achilles tendon. This injury occurs when the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, is overstretched or torn. It is especially common in older athletes, who may have weaker tendons and be more prone to injury. In this blog post, we will explore how to prevent Achilles tendon tears and how to heal them once they happen.

Preventing Achilles Tendon Tears

The best way to prevent Achilles tendon tears is to maintain good overall physical fitness and to take steps to protect your tendons from injury. Here are some tips to help prevent Achilles tendon tears:

Warm-Up and Stretching

Before engaging in any physical activity, it is important to warm up properly. This will increase blood flow to the muscles and help prepare them for activity. Dynamic stretching is an excellent way to warm up before soccer, as it involves moving the muscles through a range of motion, which can help prevent injury. In addition to dynamic stretching, it is important to do static stretches after your workout. These stretches can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

Wear Appropriate Footwear

Wearing the right shoes can make a big difference in preventing Achilles tendon tears. Make sure your shoes fit properly and have good support. Avoid shoes with worn-out soles or heels. Also, consider wearing shoes with a higher heel-to-toe drop, which can help reduce strain on the Achilles tendon.

Strengthen Your Legs and Feet

Strong legs and feet can help reduce the risk of Achilles tendon tears. Exercises that strengthen the calves, such as calf raises, can help improve the strength and flexibility of the Achilles tendon. Additionally, exercises that strengthen the feet, such as toe curls, can help improve balance and reduce the risk of injury.

Avoid Overtraining

Overtraining can lead to fatigue and increase the risk of injury. It is important to listen to your body and give it time to rest and recover. Avoid training too hard or too frequently, and make sure to take rest days to allow your body to recover.

Healing Achilles Tendon Tears

Despite taking preventative measures, Achilles tendon tears can still occur. If you experience an Achilles tendon tear, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the tendon. Here are some tips to help you recover from an Achilles tendon tear:


Rest is essential for healing an Achilles tendon tear. You may need to avoid physical activity for several weeks or months, depending on the severity of your injury. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and avoid any activities that could further damage the tendon.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is an important part of recovery from an Achilles tendon tear. Your physical therapist can help you with exercises that will help improve the strength and flexibility of your Achilles tendon. They may also use techniques such as ultrasound or massage to help reduce pain and promote healing.

Achilles tendon tears are a common injury in soccer players, especially older athletes. However, they don’t need to be. They also do not need to take you out of the game long term. Watch our video with Sean to learn more!


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