How To Become A Great Soccer Recruit


When it comes to being a successful soccer recruit, it takes more than just talent and skill on the field. While these qualities are certainly important, there are other traits that can make a player stand out and increase their chances of being recruited by a top soccer program. Here are some of the key qualities that coaches look for in a recruit:

Coaches want players who are respectful and honest, both on and off the field. This means being respectful to teammates, coaches, opponents, and officials. It also means being honest about your abilities, limitations, and work ethic. Coaches want players who are willing to work hard and who will take responsibility for their actions. As a soccer recruit, you are not just representing yourself, but also the club you are hoping to play for. Coaches want players who will reflect the values of the club in public, both on and off the field. This includes being a positive role model, demonstrating good sportsmanship, and showing a commitment to teamwork and hard work.

In addition to reflecting the values of the club, coaches also want recruits who will be good brand ambassadors for the team. This means promoting the team in a positive way on social media, being active in the community, and participating in team events and activities. Coaches want players who are passionate about the team and who will help build its reputation and brand.

Finally, coaches want recruits who are good team players. This means being willing to put the team's goals ahead of your own, working well with others, and being a positive influence in the locker room. Coaches want players who are supportive of their teammates, who lift others up, and who are committed to helping the team achieve its goals.

In conclusion, while talent and skill are certainly important in being a successful soccer recruit, coaches also look for other traits that can set a player apart. Being respectful, honest, and hardworking, reflecting the values of the club, being a good brand ambassador, and being a good team player are all qualities that coaches value in recruits. By embodying these traits, you can increase your chances of being recruited by a top soccer program and achieving success on and off the field.

Curious about Lane United’s recruitment philosophy? Watch our video here!


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