How Soccer Players Can Use Food To Recover From An Injury

We asked Katelyn Partridge (@nutritionwithkp), Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, certified CrossFit coach, and former college soccer player, what are some common trends she sees with the athletes she works with.

“I would say most often, athletes struggle with how to recover or how to work through an injury. Those are two really common trends I see. Another common trend I see is not knowing or understanding how to properly fuel their body for whatever they are trying to endure.

This caused Armando to follow up by asking, “What do you recommend soccer players do to reduce getting hurt?”

Katelyn’s response. “Eat.”

“I would say prioritize your nutrition, prioritize protein. There are so many moving components to nutrition when it comes to recovery and making sure that your body can come back from whatever you are putting it through. I would say prioritize protein at all times. The amino acids that make up a complete protein also aid in muscle recovery.”

Armando asked, “Are people getting enough protein on a daily basis?”

Katelyn responded, “No. More often than not, people come to me and they are maybe eating 50-60% of the amount of protein they should be eating in a day.”

Now, this statistic about protein can be shocking to some. If this sounds like you, we have come up with a few easy tips to help you increase your protein intake:

  • Swap your regular yogurt for greek yogurt, which can often contain up to 20 grams of protein per serving

  • Plan every meal around protein

  • Swap chips for nuts like almonds or walnuts

  • Find a protein powder you like and add to pancakes, baked goods, smoothies, and yogurts, or just drink it in a cup with water or milk

  • Sprinkle hemp hearts over food

  • If you are vegan/vegetarian, use beans or tofu in place of plant protein

Learn more here!


The Importance Of A Player/Coach Relationship


How Soccer Players Can Stay Mentally Strong During An Injury